The Power of Balance

Director: Amit Mann and Tom Barka’i | Israel, 2022 | 57 minutes | Hebrew
Thursday | 25.4
2 Cinematheque TLV | 10:00

Four disabled dancers join the Vertigo dance troupe for an integrated modern dance performance, the first of its kind in Israel. The encounter between them moves between two poles: complete restriction of movement to complete freedom of movement. Under the guidance of British choreographer Adam Benjamin, who has experience working internationally with mixed ensembles, the professional Vertigo dancers and the amateur dancers, some of whom are in wheelchairs, create a dance piece together. The film documents their preparations for a performance, the dialogue between the professional and disabled dancers, and the struggles and fears that accompany them all.

*Courtesy of the Israeli Film Service.

Producers: Israeli Film Service, Channel 8 - Noga Communications |

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