Best in the World

Director: Hans Christian Post | Denmark, 2022 | 57 minutes | Danish, English, Hebrew subtitles
Friday | 26.4
Recanati Hall Tel Aviv Museum | 14:00

Copenhagen – what a great city! It’s consistently ranked “the best city in the world” on various lists, and visitors are astounded by its transformation. Who would have believed that just 30 years ago it was a polluted, industrial city on the verge of bankruptcy?

Copenhagen’s restoration is an extraordinary success story, one that the filmmakers certainly highlight, along with the city’s beauty: They photograph its impressive landscapes and its pleasant streets and cafes. But the film isn’t only about that. It also focuses on the price that Copenhagen’s residents have paid and continue to pay to live in a city that’s become a playground for the wealthy while everyone else is slowly pushed out.

The architects and social justice activists included in the film raise questions that extend far beyond Copenhagen: Is this the process all cities that strive to be “the best in the world” undergo? For Israelis, and especially Tel Avivians, the Copenhagen in this film hits a little too close to home.

Producer: Hans Christian Post | Cinematography by: Uwe Bohrer, Hans Christian Post, Patricio Rivera | Editing by: Nicolás Nørgaard Staffolani | Festivals: Copenhagen architecture festival, AFFR - Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam |